Wow posting really late, but wanted to get it posted today so there's only one post tomorrow! I didn't really think I could come up with 5 thngs I was passionate about, but the longer I stared at my laptop, the sooner they came to me. Everyone can answer these differently, but I chose 5 things I love and I consider myself to be passionate about. May or may not be what people were expecting, but I liked my answers ultimately..
✿Blogging! I've already said multiple times why I love blogging and so on, so I won't say anything about this.
✿Makeup/Skincare! I love makeup, to put it simply. I love creating new looks and playing around until I find something I like. This has actually led me to some ideas for blog posts for next month. With my love for makeup came an addiction to skincare products. I'm on a never-ending quest to find products that can get my "naked" skin as close to beautiful as when I wear makeup.
✿Photography! I love taking pictures and sometimes I love having pictures of me taken. I like the fact that you can be looking at something as simple as clouds in the sky over a tall tree and then you take a picture and it comes out looking like it was drawn to perfection. Sometimes photography shows what people can't see, because all you need is 1 second for something to be perfect.
✿Health/Fitness/Wellness! I've recently(by recent I mean beginning of 2013, I know I'm a terrible person..) started caring about my health and well-being. With that I've started working out and have become interested in learning about the different kinds of workouts. I just happen to find myself interested in the ways to lose weight and how you can gain it and the different health ailments and how to combat them.
✿Culture! I've always had a thing for learning about people's different cultures, but it never became a passion until I wanted to learn about my French culture. I want to visit many different places and learn all about them. I would love to visit every country in the world, but that probably won't happen.
♥Au revoir & see you tomorrow!♥
-Day 9-